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CTEQ6.6: correlations between
parton distribution functions

Main reference PDF uncertainty bands
CTEQ6.6 W, Z, ttbar cross sections  Additional correlation plots

A collection of 2-dimensional contour plots showing the correlation cosine cos(phi) for two  parton distribution functions (PDF's) fa(x,Q) obtained in the CTEQ6.6 global analysis. The axes specify momentum fractions x in the two PDF's with specified flavors and factorization scales. The color (or gray shade) of the area is chosen to reflect the value of the correlation cosine at each (x1, x2) point according to the scale shown below. Both axes are scaled as x0.2.

Flavor of the PDF 1

Factorization scale
of the PDF 1
Flavor of the PDF 2

Factorization scale
of the PDF 2
Color Grayscale

Color scale
Color scale pdf  png

Support: Pavel Nadolsky