Program CT18Demo C A simple test program for CT18 standalone interpolation interface. C To compile and run on a typical Unix system with the installed C gfortran compiler: C C gfortran -o ct18demo CT18Demo.f CT18Pdf.f C ./ct18demo C C The tables with available PDF files are available at C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) Character Tablefile*40 double precision QAry(5), xAry(9) data QAry/ 1.5d0, 4.5d0, 10d0, 91.187d0, 200d0/, > xAry /1d-5,1d-4,1d-3,1d-2,1d-1,0.3d0,0.5d0,0.7d0,0.9d0/ data Tablefile /'pdf.pds'/ print *, 'This is a demo of the CT18 PDF interpolation interface' print *,'Usage: ct18demo [pds_file]' print *, > 'pds_file is the optional file with an interpolation table.\n', > ' of PDF values. If left blank, pdf.pds will be used.\n' cpn12 Read the name of the table from the command line (if provided) if (iargc().gt.0) > call getarg(1,Tablefile) cpn12 Read in the table with the PDFs Call SetCT18(Tablefile) cpn12 Print out the minimal x, initial Q, maximal Q, number of QCD loops, c maximal number of quark flavors call CT18GetPars(xmin,Qini,Qmax,Nloops,Nfl) print * write(*,'(" This PDF grid is for ",es12.5," < x < 1 and")') xmin write(*,'(f12.4," < Q < ",f12.4," GeV")') Qini, Qmax write (*,*) 'The number of QCD loops is ',Nloops write (*,*) 'The maximal number of quark flavors is ',Nfl cpn12 Print out quark masses print * print *, > ' Flavor ID : 1 2 3 4 5 6' print *, > ' Flavor : u d s c b t' write(*,'("Quark masses (GeV):",5(1X,f6.3),1X,f7.3)') > (CT18mass(iq), iq=1,6) cpn12 Print out the QCD coupling at select Q values print * print *, 'The values of the QCD coupling ', > 'from the built-in interpolation are' print *,' Q, GeV alpha_s(Q) ' do iq=1,5 alstmp=CT18alphas(Qary(Iq)) write(*,'(1X,f9.3,2x,f9.4)') Qary(iq), alstmp enddo cpn12 Print out the PDFs Q = 1.2d0!1d2 print * print *, 'The values of the PDFs at Q = ', Q, ' GeV are' print *, >' x u-ubar d-dbar 2(ubr+dbr) c+cbar gluon' Do ix = 1, 9 x=xAry(ix) write(6,'(e7.1,5e12.4)') x, & CT18Pdf( 1, x, Q) - CT18Pdf(-1, x, Q), & CT18Pdf( 2, x, Q) - CT18Pdf(-2, x, Q), & 2*(CT18Pdf(-1, x, Q)+CT18Pdf(-2, x, Q)), & (CT18Pdf(-4, x, Q)+CT18Pdf(4, x, Q)), & CT18Pdf(0, x, Q) enddo print * print *,'This is the end of the demo' END